Slides: British Food
Friday, December 13, 2024
Monday, December 9, 2024
Count and uncount nouns: some, an/an, few / little, much / many
CLICK HERE: Countable or uncountable nouns?
CLICK HERE: A or some ?
CLICK HERE: A little or a few ?
CLICK HERE: much or many ?
CLICK HERE: a, an, some, any
CLICK HERE: much, many, few, little
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Unit 7 words
1) famous Scottish poet
2) poem
3) beef
4) mushroom
5) cabbage
6) flour
7) biscuits
8) traditional dish
9) lettuce
10) a jar of honey
11) a slice of bread
12) vegetarian
1. Fruits and berries: apple, banana, pear, watermelon, mango, strawberry, blueberry, cherry, kiwi, gooseberry, raspberry, orange
2. Vegetables: lettuce, cabbage, turnip, cucumber, tomato, potato, radish, carrot, beans
3. meat / fish: steak, beef, lamb, chicken, hamburger, ham, pork, haggis, stew
4. Dairy: butter, milk, cheese, yog(h)urt, (ice) cream, milkshake
5. Sweets: biscuit, chocolate, cake, jelly, sweets / candies, gingerbread, lemonade, jam
6. other: egg, mushroom, flour, bread, spaghetti, rice, pasta,
Originally from Poland, popular in Germany.
2. Baguette
Origin: France, very polular in France (also Belgium and Spain), also called French bread, French stick or loaf
3. Bara Brith
5. Ciabatta
Origin: Italy, made with whole wheat flour, olive oil, yeast
6. Naan
Origin: Asian and Caribbean countries, associated with Indian food, made with water, yeast and flour. similar to naan bread are tandoori pita, roti or lavash
7. Cornbread
Origin: Native Americans, popular in Mexico, also in the USA and Latin America, made with corn meal and baking powder
8. Crisp bread
Place of origin: Sweden, popular in All Scandinavian countries and Germany, typically made with wholemeal rye bread,
9. Rice bread
Monday, November 25, 2024
SB p 34-36: KEY
Task C
1) puts
2) loves
3) has got
4) play
5) are
6) is
7) takes
8) likes
9) are
10) sleeps
Task D
1) Do
2) does
3) swim
4) likes
5) doesn't
6) sleep
7) Do
8) starts
9) drinks
10) goes
11) don't
Monday, November 18, 2024
The Camp: poster
* Which activities? (At least 5 different)
* How to join?
* Where is it?
* When?
* What age groups?
* Who are the leaders?
* Does it cost? Any fees?
* Additional information (phone, e-mail, website etc)
A good poster is/has...
1) Nice handwriting
2) Colours and some drawings
3) No spelling mistakes
4) Important information is big
5) All needed information
Unit 6: Words
1) canoeing
2) fencing
3) art and crafts
4) an excellent way
5) believe
6) go sailing
7) plenty of activities
8) quizzes
9) don't delay
10) playing field
Task 2: What's in the photo?
Task 3: Translate
1) Meile meeldib kanuuga sõitmine.
2) Eestlased on vehklemises head.
3) Kas sa käid kunsti ja meisterdamise ringis?
4) Ta on suurepärane võrkpallimängija.
5) Usu mind, see ülesanne on lihtne.
6) Kes on liider?
7) Viktoriinid on lõbusad.
8) Ära viivita!
9) Kes on su lemmikjalgpallimängija?
10) Ratsutamine võib olla ohtlik.
11) Kas sulle võimlemine meeldib?
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Unit 6: Phrases
1) an excellent way
2) plenty of activities
3) take a fencing lesson
4) join the drama group
5) arts and crafts class
6) quizzes
7) more information
8) fill in the form
9) canoeing
10) playing field
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Unit 5
Task 1: Sports quiz
Task 2: sports equipment
Task 3: play / go / do
Task 4: play / go / do 2
Task 5: Quiz - Present simple
Task 6: Present Simple
Task 7: More sports
Task 8: Verb + Sports
Friday, November 8, 2024
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Unit 5: Words
1) bowling
1) stew
10) difficult
11) dangerous
12) national sport
Task 3: What's this?
Task 4: Complete the sentences
1) This is _____ (minu pilet).
2) I like this _____ (hautis).
3) Heiki Nabi is a good ____________ (maadleja).
4) (Võitluskunstid) _________ are _______ (ohtlikud).
5) Do you like scuba ________ (sukeldumine)?
6) (Rulluisutamine) _______ is great.
7) Who likes _________ (purilendamine)?
8) (Sumomaadlejad) ________ ( treenivad) _______ a lot.
9) (Loputa) _______ it with water.
10) This is a _______ (keeruline) exercise.
11) (Jääuisutamine) _______ can be _________ (ohtlik).
12) What is the __________ (rahvusspordiala) of Japan?
13) I get dressed _______ (enne) breakfast.
Task 4 Translate
1) See on minu pilet.
2) Mulle meeldib see hautis.
3) Heiki Nabi on hea maadleja.
4) Võitluskunstid on ohtlikud.
5) Kas sulle meeldib sukeldumine?
6) Rulluisutamine on lahe.
7) Kellele meeldib purilendamine?
8) Sumomaadlejad treenivad palju.
9) Loputa seda veega.
10) See on keeruline ülesanne.
11) Jääuisutamine võib olla ohtlik.
12) Mis on Jaapani rahvusspordiala?
13) Ma panen ennast riidesse enne hommikusööki.
Task 5: Check your spelling